Authorization dialog

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The first time TaxWorkFlow logs in to QuickBooks, QuickBooks must already be launched and running in the foreground with a company file open and the administrator user logged in. These requirements prevent unauthorized applications from gaining access to QuickBooks.


The authorization dialog appears when TaxWorkFlow tries to access a QuickBooks company file for the first time. The authorization dialog is also displayed when

A QuickBooks company file is opened for the first time by TaxWorkFlow after it makes an event subscription.

TaxWorkFlow previously authorized to access a particular QuickBooks company file attempts to access that file in a way different than authorized or with different preferences than the last time it accessed that file.


Here is an example of QuickBooks default authorization dialog:



Below is the list of dialog's available options and their explanations:

No - refuse authorization.

Yes, prompt each time - authorize for only the current session and force the application to be authorized again the next time the application attempts to access a company file.

Yes, whenever this QuickBooks company file is open - authorize the application to access QuickBooks with no additional authorization whenever that company file is open, regardless of which user is logged in.

Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running - authorize the application to log on in unattended mode (auto login).


If the user selects unattended mode authorization, and if there is more than one user (not just the administrative user) then the “login as” dropdown is visible and enabled, presenting the user with a list of login IDs currently able to log in to that company file.


The checkbox at the bottom of the authorization dialog, if checked, authorizes your application to access sensitive personal data. However, the currently logged in user is still restricted by the permissions set up in QuickBooks, regardless of whether or not the checkbox is checked.